We help you

Now is the time to define your path to grow in the platform economy

We bring many years of experience in supporting SAP partners significantly grow their business, with focus on the SAP Business Technology Platform.

I helped 50+ partners define their growth strategy, connect them to the right people at SAP and in the ecosystem, and put the right programs in place to drive growth and achieve scale. 

With my experience and a network of experts we can jointly define a targeted strategy and drive successful execution




YEARS of Experience


PARTNERS engaged


mEUR/year - influenced

Engagement Options

Based on your needs we will identify the best engagement options

help with the basics

Give you a head-start in the world of partnering with SAP. 

Available at no-cost as 2-3 hour conversation, based on introduction by SAP teams (from  Sales, Partner Management, Consumption teams or Product Management)

help with the execution

Support you in the definition of Go To Market Assets, definition and productization of Services, execute App Store processes. 

Support you with Asset, Customer Success, and Event Strategy 

Available as paid engagement on hourly basis



help shape the strategy

Engagement with small number of partners to help define and execute the Business Strategy, execute GTM, and help expand the network in the SAP Ecosystem

Available as longer term paid engagement with 4-5 days support/ month

Our offerings


click for details

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